Thursday, 19 September 2013

Lighter than air...

Did you know some air is lighter than other air? Grade 6/7 science students should be able to explain that to you and why! Also ask them if air is a fluid and if they say yes or no tell them to explain why!! We have had such a great couple of days experimenting with air as a fluid!

It's a long weekend for all you students out there! I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the weather! Those of you who are coming on the bike trip please remember to be at the school by 9:30 Saturday morning with a bag lunch and your bike! We will be returning by approximately 2:30.

Please be aware that school photos have gone home in the last couple of days. Please make sure that if you plan on ordering that your orders are in by Oct. 1, as that is when we will be sending them back.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Froese

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Getting Into it!

I just wanted to let the parents and students alike know that I had a great science class with the Grade 6/7's yesterday. We took some notes introducing the class to air as a fluid and then the students were challenged with finding a way to prove whether or not fluids expand when they were heated. The class was introduced to the scientific method and have all found an experiment to do to prove their hypothesis. It was so exciting to see all those students completely engaged in what they were doing!
I hope today's double French with the grade 6/7's go's just as smoothly. We are hoping to start some basic play writing with the students and are aiming to have students perform small skits that they have written in French. Have a great day!
Mrs. Froese

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Quick Update!

Good Evening Everyone!
I hope everyone has enjoyed their first full school cycle back! I just wanted to post a quick update for everyone!

  • Please don't forget that book orders are due on Friday!
  • We have our first hotdog day Friday!
  • Students in grade 6/7 need to bring home 

Hope you are all enjoying the warm weather!
Mrs. Froese

Thursday, 5 September 2013


Good Evening Parents!
I am sending out a call for help! If you have any old newspapers, magazines, christmas wishbooks etc that you don't need anymore, we would love to have these at the school for some of the upcoming art projects that Ms. Mauthe and I may do! We started art with the grade 6-8's today and had a blast introducing them to making art like the famous author and artist Eric Carle! Thanks for your help with this!
Mrs. Froese

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

First Day Jitters

Hey Everyone!
 I hope you have had a great summer and you are all looking forward to coming back to join us at the school this year. I know for a fact that your teachers have been working hard preparing for all of you to come back to make this the best year ever.

We have decided to start this middle years blog at AES so that parents and students alike have a good ideas as to what is going on as many of our students have more than one teacher throughout the school day. We are hoping that this blogspot is a place you can come and look for assignment dates, special activity announcements and so on in the school. You may also find that we use this blog just to give you an update as to what is going on with the classes at school so that parents know what is being covered or some of the ideas being taught, although really this isn't necessary because I know ALL of our students go home to tell you all about what happened and what they learnt at school that day.

Just to get it started here are somethings that you should know:

  • September 9th is picture day, it is coming very quick!
  • You will be getting a package of information home with lots of information please return the forms that need to be returned in a timely fashion!
  • We will be having our first assembly Wednesday to do a quick meet and greet with all the staff! There are a few new staff in our school this year!
Mrs. Froese