Friday, 28 February 2014

7/8 ELA Newspaper Article

The students have started to write a newspaper article on an event that happened in our novel, The Outsiders. They need to have a rough copy of the article done for Monday so we can revise them to make them better, edit them and then type a good copy into a website that will turn them into an actual newspaper article.
Have a great weekend, keep warm!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Grade 7/8 ELA

Just wanted to write a little update on what the grade 7/8s are currently working on in ELA. We have started a novel study on The Outsiders. To gain a little background information to help us better understand the novel's setting, they have been working on a 1960s webquest to find out about the economy, fashion, music, etc. of the 60s.

In writing, we have just begun a persuasive essay-the dreaded e-word! We looked at a sample yesterday to show that writing an essay really is not scary and they just got started on a little bit of pre-research for them.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

6-8 Science Links and Video sites!

Video Links to Youtube

Mountain Formation



Website Links

Mountain Formation

