Earthquakes, Volcanoes & Mountains
Layered Curriculum
- Explain geological process and events using the theory of plate tectonics.
Include : mountain formation, earthquakes, volcanoes
- Identify specialized careers involving the study of the Earth’s crust or
the utilization of geological resources, and give examples of technologies
used in each. Examples :geophysicist, seismologist, volcanologist, farmer
complete the following assignment students may use a variety of ways to access
information. You may sit in class during
lecture, watch the videos, use the resources in the textbooks and/ or research
information in books or the internet.
teacher will let students know each class what topics will be covered so
students will know what information they can gain.
Students will be required to orally
defend their answers when asked.
C (50 points)
(15 marks) - Create vocabulary definitions for the following terms, using
flashcards or other format; mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, seismographs,
Richter scale, shock wave, epicenter, seismologist, volcanologist, fault line,
primary wave, secondary wave, ring of fire, pyroclastic flow, and magnitude.
(10 marks) - Describe how mountains are formed. In your description explain fold,
dome, and block mountains. Include pictures to help in your explanation. You
may use powerpoint, paragraph, or a poster to help illustrate.
(10 marks) - Create a chart that explains the formation of cinder cone, shield,
and composite volcanoes. Include pictures to help in your explanation. You may
use powerpoint, paragraph or a poster to help illustrate.
(5 marks) - Draw a cross section of the mid-ocean ridge, provide 2 cool facts
about it and indicate where volcanoes may occur.
(10 marks) - Explain how earthquakes occur and what happens under the ground as
well as on top of the surface during an earthquake. Where do earthquakes tend
to occur? Why do earthquakes occur in these areas? You may use a map to help
you answer your question.
a. Include an explanation on the
tectonic plates movement.
b. How the pressure is released and what
happens to the released pressure.
B (20 marks)
are required to only complete 15 marks worth from the questions below.
(5 marks) How does a building’s design affect its ability to withstand an
earthquake? Use playing cards or sugar cubes to answer this question.
(5 marks) You are living in a town in the path of an active volcano. Explain
what is going through your mind. What would the countryside look like and
explain what you evacuation plan be?
(10 marks) Imagine yourself as a seismologist and you are going to explain how
a seismograph works and why it is important to understand plate movement to
keep people safe to a group of young children.
(15 marks) Find a world map and label the location of where the 1994 earthquake
took place in Los Angeles. Along what fault line did it occur? What was the magnitude and duration of the
quake? Was the quake caused by the tectonic plates converging, diverging, or
subduction? How much devastation occurred as a result of this earthquake?
Explain how this earthquake affected the people in the region.
(15 marks) Watch the movie Nature’s Rages
on volcanoes and earthquakes and write a summary paragraph on the devastation
that is created by earthquakes and volcanoes.
A (20 marks)
Do one of the following questions. A
poster, powerpoint, Touchcast/ regular video, or essay format can be used.
Create newspaper articles as if you were one of the journalists writing on the
major volcanic of Mount Pinatubo. You must include important facts, dates, type
of eruption, and a detailed summary of events over the course of the month. You
should have at least 5 articles that follow the story.
Research and create an emergency evacuation/ response plan for a city in an
earthquake or volcano zone.
Should insurance companies be required to insure homes that are built on
earthquake zones or active volcanoes? Explain your point of view and make sure
you provide supportive information (facts).
Process (20 marks)
Do one of the following projects
Build an earthquake resistant building.
a. Your building must be at least 50 cm
b. The only materials that can be used
are: Styrofoam, popsicle sticks, straws, cardboard, paper, string, thumbtacks,
elastic bands, paper clips, toothpicks and glue
c. No tape can be used.
must explain why you designed the structure the way that you did. Explain any
special features and state why you used the materials that you did. (Ex. used
styrofoam because it absorbs the shaking force.)
Design a model to explain one of the following things.
a. The theory of plate tectonics
b. Mountain formations
c. Earthquakes
must video yourself explaining the concept using your model. You can either
“build the model” or create graphics on the computer to show what happens.