Tuesday, 21 January 2014

French Assignment

The grade 7/8 students are in the midst of creating a travel brochure on a French cultural destination. In this assignment they need to include places to eat, things to do and things to see as  well as a personal recommendation. There are three verbs that they MUST include in this assignment: voulior, pouvior, devoir. Each student should have his or her own notes explaining the conjugations and meanings of these terms.
Break down of the assignment:
Today's class: Finish research
Day 1 Jan 22 - Write your information with detail in an interesting format
Day 3 Jan 24 - Translate and add detail/ edit your work, start inputting it into the brochure format
Day 6 Jan 29 - Finishing touches on brochure and make sure that there are appropriate detail. One to two sentences for each section is not enough.